poniedziałek, 20 lipca 2009

wspomnienie z Mariposy

His wilful hands and feet began to beat and churn about, spasmodically and feebly. But he had fooled them and the will to live that made them beat and churn. He was too deep down. They could never bring him to the surface. He seemed floating languidly in a sea of dreamy vision. Colors and radiances surrounded him and bathed him and pervaded him. What was that? It seemed a lighthouse; but it was inside his brain - a flashing, bright white light. It flashed swifter and swifter. There was a long rumble of sound, and it seemed to him that he was falling down a vast and interminable stairway. And somewhere at the bottom he fell into darkness. That much he knew. He had fallen into darkness. And at the instant he knew, he ceased to know.

poezja nie umiera

tu i teraz już było...

serca motyli przybliż i przytul ...

sobota, 7 marca 2009


W zieloności wytryska bielą
Bielą cudownie nieśmiałą
Zwraca uwagę czystością
Przejrzystą niewinnością

Inna niż zieleń
Piękna i unikalna

Lśniąco świetlista
Biel niepowtarzalna

Kilka chwil trwa zaledwie
Jak kwiat Królowa Nocy
Pieśni o niej śpiewają
Bardowie i Prorocy

Zabierz mnie na wyspy szczęśliwe